The Ultimate Guide: Running Ubuntu OS in Termux and Accessing it via VNC Viewer

Ready to take your Android device to new heights? In this comprehensive guide, presented by OK ONLINE, we will show you how to not only run Ubuntu OS in Termux but also access it seamlessly using VNC Viewer. Prepare to enter a world of limitless possibilities as you combine the power of Ubuntu OS with the convenience of your Android device. Let's delve into this exciting journey together!

Step 1: Install Termux on Your Android Device:

Begin by heading to this link to "Termux." Install the app on your device to unlock the Linux command line experience.

Step 2: Update and Upgrade Termux Packages:

Open Termux and ensure you have the latest packages by executing the following command:

apt update && apt upgrade

Step 3: Install VNC Viewer:

Now it's time to install VNC Viewer, which will enable us to access Ubuntu OS running in Termux. Execute the command below:

apt install tigervnc

Step 4: Install and Configure an X Server:

To create a graphical environment for Ubuntu in Termux, we need to install an X server. Enter the following command:

apt install xorg-x11-server-xvfb

Once installed, configure the X server using the command:

Xvfb :1 -screen 0 1024x768x16

Step 5: Launch Ubuntu in Termux:

Install Ubuntu in Termux by executing the command:


This command fetches the necessary files for Ubuntu installation. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the setup.

Step 6: Access Ubuntu via VNC Viewer:

With Ubuntu successfully installed, let's configure VNC Viewer to connect to our Ubuntu OS. Enter the following command:

x11vnc -display :1 -nopw -listen localhost -xkb

Step 7: Connect to Ubuntu using VNC Viewer:

On your Android device, launch VNC Viewer and input "localhost:5900" in the VNC server field. Press connect, and you will be prompted to enter a password (unless you specified the "-nopw" flag earlier). Enter the password, and you're in!

Congratulations! You have now accessed Ubuntu OS running in Termux via VNC Viewer.

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By following this guide, you have successfully installed Ubuntu OS in Termux and accessed it seamlessly using VNC Viewer. This integration empowers you to experience Ubuntu's vast array of applications and tools right from your Android device. Embrace the power of Ubuntu, explore new horizons, and unleash your creativity.

Stay tuned to OK ONLINE for more exciting tech guides and cutting-edge content. Happy computing!


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